Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Operating Systems Essay Example for Free

Operating Systems Essay Interfaces that are graphical in nature are known either as Graphical User Interfaces(GUI) or WIMP interfaces (Windows, Icons, Menus and Pointer). Typically, these types of interfaces are available in multi-programming environments or in applications software that involve a considerable degree of complexity. In a GUI, there are: A window for each open application. Many windows can be open at the same time but only one window can be active at any one time. There may be some way of indicating which one is active (perhaps by making the bar at the top of the active window blue). Menus and icons. Available functions can be selected in one of two ways, either by using pop-up menus or drop-down menus, or clicking on icons. An icon is simply a small picture that represents a specific function- clicking on it selects that function.   A pointing device, usually a mouse but in certain circumstances a graphical tablet and pen can be used. These are used to make selections.   The use of the keyboard to navigate through the application is minimized because it is relatively time-consuming way of working.   Natural language. Natural language interfaces are those that allow the user to communicate in their native language, such as English. It allows the user to instruct the computer without need for a particular syntax. The system needs to be able both to interpret inputs in natural language from the user, and to act upon them, and, also preferably to generate natural language statements in response to user input. Sometimes it is also referred as a conversational interface. The questions are displayed on the VDU and the answers are entered via the keyboard. For example, imagine a user has initiated a save file request. The conversation might be: COMP:Whats the file name? USER: chapter1. txt COMP:what folder? USER: userguide COMP:File already exists. Overwrite? USER:Yes COMP: Done. This kind of interface can be found on data entry terminals and other types of dumb terminals connected to a network where non-experts users are guided through the complex tasks they need to perform by the computer.   Command line Command based interface is one where the user types a series of commands at the keyboard which tell the computer what their intentions are. It is also known as linguistic manipulation. The characteristics of a command based interface are   the user needs to know what commands are available   the user needs to understand the commands Characteristics of a command based interface 1) The system is very much more open than in the other types of interface. Other interfaces restrict the options that the user has available to them. This can be particularly important for the system manager because different users can only be allowed to have access to specific parts of the system. 2) Command based interfaces can only be used by computer literate people because the user need to understand the commands and their uses. 1. Define what is meant by the term operating system. (2) 2. Give two reasons why an operating system is likely to be stored on backing storage rather than in the memory of the computer. (2) 3. Distinguish between a multi-programming and a multi-access operating system. (2) 4. State what is meant by a distributed system, and give an advantage of this type of multi-access system over a simple network of machines. (2) 5. A computer operator takes phone calls from the public who ring up asking whether a particular item in a catalogue is available. The operator needs to type in a series of responses to questions put to the caller, so that the computer can check the file and determine whether there are any of that item available. Design a screen interface that would be suitable for the operator to use. (4) 6. The technician responsible for maintaining the system in question 5, uses a command line interface. a) Explain what is meant by a command line interface. (2) b) Give two advantages and one disadvantage to the technician of using a command line interface rather than a menu based interface. (3) Answers: 1 A. -A (suite of) programs-which run the basic functions of the computer -giving an environment in which to run application software. A question which begins with the word define, leaves very little room for manoeuvre because it is asking for a standard answer. This is not an opportunity to show your prowess by making up an answer that is original- there arent any. Note, also, the fact that three answers have been given. Always try to give one more answer than seems to be required by the question. If you look at a mark scheme for an examination paper, the mark points are listed as a set of bullet points so there is no reason why you should not do the same. This style of answer helps you to write down your thoughts easily without getting confused by the language. The purpose of this examination is not to test your ability with English, rather to test your knowledge of computing. 2 A. A full operating system requires a large amount of storage space that is better utilised in the computer memory for applications Storage of the operating system on backing storage allows for easy upgrading or changing from one system to a different one. Note that the temptation to call the operating system the O. S. has been resisted in the answer. In general, do not use abbreviations in your answers. There are exceptions, where the abbreviation is the accepted form, but your own versions may be ambiguous or, even, not understood by the examiner. If you do need to use an abbreviation, because the term is to be used a number of times, give the term in full with the abbreviation that you want to use in brackets after it. For example, the first time that you use the term operating system write operating system (OS) you can then use OS as often as you like in the rest of your answer. 3. A. A multi-programming operating system is one where the user of the machine is given the impression that they can carry out more than one task at a time. A multi-access operating system is one where it is possible for more than one user to access the system apparently at the same time. Note that there are a large number of points that could have been made about both of these operating systems, but most of them would not answer the question. It is important when answering a question starting with distinguish to choose facts that show a comparison. 4 A. A distributed system is one which uses many storage locations on different machines to store software and files. Access to files can be speeded up because more than one file command can be carried out at a time. When an advantage is asked for it is normal to state in the question, either explicitly or implicitly, with what the comparison should be made. Be careful to give an advantage using this comparison and not a more generalised one. 5 A. Form type interface Catalogue number Space for the description of goods which will be filled in by the computer itself Spaces for computer to produce availability and price Laid out with spaces for input. What is just as important here are the things that would not be on the screen. The question makes it quite clear that there is no ordering going on, so spaces for name and address, or method of payment, are not only going to score no marks, but will probably be penalised because they demonstrate that the candidate has not understood the question. In this type of question it is important to demonstrate that you have taken the situation into account. 6 A. a)-Series of commands typed at a screen prompt -which give specific instructions to the computer. b)Advantages: -Entire system is available to the technician -Access to the particular part of the system required is gained more quickly than using other types of interface. Disadvantage: -The technician needs to know the commands that are available -The technician needs to understand the way the system is designed so that it can be navigated efficiently. Note. The language used in this answer is not the sort of language that a candidate will use in an examination. Dont worry about this. Answers like so that you can get around the system are perfectly acceptable. System Software James Leong Mook Seng.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Comparing the Message of The Rhodera, Each and All, and Hamatreya :: comparison compare contrast essays

The Message of The Rhodera, Each and All, and Hamatreya We hear every day that we don’t appreciate nature and that we try and conquer it but I don’t think anyone actually thinks about what that means. These three combine to tell of nature and what Emerson appreciates about it. They also let nature have a "say" about what she thinks of humans. In "The Rhodora" a simple flower makes the speaker of the poem consider his own creation. He talks of the beauty of this flower and how it rivals the rose. As Sidney stated, "Emerson was really in touch with the beauty of nature." In other words, many people in their discussion focused on the fact that these poems brought to our attention the incredible beauty of nature that we often overlook. To me, it goes much farther. Finally he states, "in my simple ignorance, suppose The self-same Power that brought me there brought you." You can almost feel the light bulb go off over the speaker’s head when he realizes that he is a part of a larger creation. He isn’t separate from this flower; the same force brought both of them to this world. He states that he was ignorant. Most of us are ignorant of the fact that we are a part of a world that is made up of interlocking parts. We consider ourselves "the top of the food chain." (In reality if a lion got hungry enough he’d eat us too.) Plants thrive off of the carbon dioxide that we produce and we thrive off of the oxygen that they produce. Nature depends upon itself. We are part of that creation, not rulers over it. The speaker here finally realizes that both man and flower were put on this earth by the same force and we depend upon each other. Nature makes him reflect upon his own creation.(This is similar to the idea brought up in the web hypertext on Nature—"most people define nature as Not-human but we are natural beings." This poem is the realization of this statement.) In "Each and All" this idea is taken one step further. The speaker states, "Thy life to thy neighbor’s creed has lent. All are needed by each one." In other words, all parts of life depend upon other components of life. He also talks of how he removed things from nature and got them home and all of a sudden they don’t seem the way they were.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Onion DNA Extraction Essay

DNA(deoxyribonucleic acid) is found in every living organism. It provides the information and instructions to build and regulate cells in organisms. The information it contains is used when organisms are being reproduced. It is made up of two polynucleotide chains known as DNA strands. Within the two chains there are four nucleotide units: adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine. Materials and Methods An onion was cut into pieces and placed in a blender with 50 mL of water and blended for one minute. Once blended, 20 mL of 25% saline solution and 10 mL of liquid detergent was added to the mixture and blended for 3 minutes. The mixture was then added to a flask and placed into a bath of hot water at 42? C for 10 minutes. The mixture was then removed from the hot water bath and filtered using a cheese cloth (dryer sheet) into a beaker. In a test tube (test tube â€Å"B†), 10 mL of 90-95% ethanol was placed into a beaker filled with ice. Then 10 mL of the filtered mixture was then placed into a test tube (test tube â€Å"C†). Test tube â€Å"C† was tilted at an angle and the ethanol from test tube â€Å"B† was slowly poured into test tube â€Å"C†. After 5 minutes, a white layer was formed between the onion-detergent mixture (test tube â€Å"B†) and the ethanol (test tube â€Å"C†). A plastic pipette was used to remove the white layer from the tube and placed into a micro centrifuge tube. The micro centrifuge tube was centrifuged at 10 K rpm for 1 minute. The supernatant in the tube was then removed and discarded only leaving the white pellet that was formed at the bottom. Results During this experiment, the DNA of the onion had formed at the bottom of the micro centrifuge tube.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

From IT School to an IT Career 2019

When you think about your career choices, do you consider Information Technology? Do you want to know more about attending an Information Technology school? If you are seeking information on Information Technology schools, the good news is that an education in Information Technology isnt far from your fingertips with most schools offering degree programs online. With Information Technology fast becoming one of the most rapidly growing occupations, it is no wonder why so many students are considering enrolling in an Information Technology school. Information technology is ever-changing and rapidly developing, and according to current trends, does not seem to be slowing down anytime soon. Information Technology schools offer majors in Business Systems Analysis, Information Systems Security, E-Commerce, Information System Management, Database Management, Network Technology, Web Application Development, Software Engineering, and Graphics and Multimedia. Information Technology schools have never made it easier to obtain an education. Almost all Information Technology schools offer online degree programs that allow students to earn their degree from the comfort of their own home and according to their schedule. Information Technology schools are fast replacing the older version of Distance Learning Programs in which course material and assessments were sent through the postal system. Now earning a degree from an Information Technology school is as easy as point-and-click! Online degrees form Information Technology schools are rapidly becoming accepted as just as legitimate and valid as the traditional classroom-setting degrees. However, Information Technology schools have also made it more convenient then ever for the student who prefers the traditional classroom education by offering day and evening classes for the full-time working student. Information Technology schools offer education on the certification, Associates, Bachelors, M asters, and even Doctorate levels. Most Information Technology schools award certifications and Associates degrees in a matter of nine to eighteen months, and Bachelors degrees in twelve to twenty-four months for the working student. .u0fb34cb35c33f721a31239d18319beec { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #34495E!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .u0fb34cb35c33f721a31239d18319beec:active, .u0fb34cb35c33f721a31239d18319beec:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .u0fb34cb35c33f721a31239d18319beec { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .u0fb34cb35c33f721a31239d18319beec .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .u0fb34cb35c33f721a31239d18319beec .post Title { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .u0fb34cb35c33f721a31239d18319beec:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } READ AA Business Watch Out for these Common Degree ScamsThe University of Phoenix offers Bachelors degree programs in Web Design and Multimedia, Information Systems, Information Technology and Visual Communication, Business Information Systems, Information Technology, and E-Commerce, placing an emphasis on the business administration of Information Technology so that students are fully prepared for the workforce after graduation. Students focus on analysis of business technology, software architecture, and the acquisition of technical theories. American InterContinental University (AIU) also offers a Bachelors degree program in Information Technology online that develops appropriate programming skills and educates students in data administration. Additionally, Kennedy-Western University also offers a fully-accre dited Bachelors of Science program in Software Engineering that provides students with a comprehensive knowledge in the tools, techniques, and principles of software development and maintenance. Capella University offers Bachelors of Science degrees in General Information Technology and Graphics and Multimedia as well. 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